Thursday, October 04, 2007

Made in Australia by a middle aged refugee in a garaged at the back of her three bedroom house in suburbia.

Do Not Tumble Dry as the thread at each hem, cuff and join was mindlessly cut by the seamstress's three children, each of whom would fume at the wasted labour when your shirt is shrunk, unwearable and discarded.

Hand Wash Only as she does for the delicate garments her children wears, even though this topples her over after sewing for 10 hours a day.

100% cotton, as 100% as the love she has for her children – the same love that drives her to work herself into a sad lonely insanity in a garage at the back of her three bedroom house in suburbia.


Alex said...

And to think that once upon a time we thought this only occurred in China! Men, Women and Children living in Australia are increasingly becoming victims of forced labour as economic necessity forces them to work long hours for so little money! Open up your eyes Australia (or better still... open up those suburban garages) and see the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!

fon said...

... and despite that, the pastures continue to look very green in Australia (at least in Melbourne):

The amazing blindness with which we encounter life is shameful!