Sunday, September 09, 2007

'Lily, you are the salt of the earth. You put so much flavour into my life!' mum used to say to me when I was little. And I would rub my fingers together all over her and marinate her with my imagination. Then one day, I lost my flavour. It was the same day that I lost my virginity.

'You're a little tasteless slut, get out of my house!' dad used to say to me when I was bigger. And I would put up my finger in his face and stab him in the heart with it. Then one day, he died. It was the same day that I was trampled underfoot by the men I was fucking.

1 comment:

Alex said...

The important thing here is not to remain the ground, trampled like a beautiful flower, by those man you talk about. One cannot help but stand in awe of how cruel humanity really is and to learn from past mistakes and know deep within that the rain will come and the sun will shine again upon your face! Hope is a beautiful thing!